Monday, June 6, 2011

day by day

Everything happens for a reason. That is what i seem to believe in. and in the end my journey has always seemed to work out and if not it made me stronger. I've had many roll-a-coasters this year, and i would love to thank everyone who was strapped in with me. I came in to this thinking very little about what would happen this year. Never did i think that i would get the chance to meet the people i have. Never would you think i would become a girly girl and care about my style of clothes.
It's never as bad as you think it is. Although this isn't always true its almost always it. around 95% of the time it's true. I've learned this many times. Just live life as you want and remember live in the moment! that is the way to live!
don't let the past ruin your present. the future is unknown but what comes your way you can handle it one day at a time.
I'm extremely deep now a days have you noticed?

I want to tell you a little more about my life its really crazy these days. I have such little time left and so much to do,
I can't wait to get home and eat ketchup chips. boy do i miss them! i also miss poutine. and a good old bbq with hot dogs and hamburgers!
But i know here i will miss the easiness of catching a bus anywhere i want to go, i'll miss the people and the culture here. i'm going to miss acai! it's the best. ill miss the beach and the stores and the wild dogs. and everything.
it will be so hard leaving!

way over due

sorry i havent wrote in months. i know this was supposed to be a weekly thing, but things changed and i was busy then i would always put it off untill tomorrow. So today i will write a post about my life now :)
since the last time i posted a lot has changed.
I've traveled around brazil
*Natal (north east)
*Foz de Iguassu
i would say the coolest place i have been to in Brazil is the amazon because of the nature there and all the things there are so different and dream like. I loved it so much there. My goal is to someday return there.
I changed families again and now i returned to my first family so it's quite good. I love it here. the other day i was talking with my host mom about when i leave and we both were almost in tears. She is such an amazing person my 2nd mom for sure!
My best friend in the whole world (Iliana from Mexico) just left. we used to do everything together. We seen each other almost everyday and now she isn't here and i sometimes feel lost without her. but i guess it's one of the lessons you learn on exchange.
It's nearing the end of my exchange and just before i came here i remember being asked to say what i feel when im going home. Too me it's the weirdest feeling. First i was excited to finally get to see my family again after so long! but now that i think about it and when people ask if i want to leave i say no. I don't deep down i love this place and will miss it so much. I love the life style here, i love the beautiful (sometimes funny) language and accent of Portuguese i love being able to get around town without help anymore. I love it here. and when i leave i will miss it so much. It will be the hardest thing I've ever done. It all still feels like a dream.
My life back in Canada feels like a dream to me now. and so much has changed there and i have changed and grown as a person I'm feeling scared to go home and face reality. I don't want to. When i get home i will have to go to school and do the work, I will have to think about what happens next in my life; but here in Brazil all i think about is what will i do that afternoon or what parties are there to go to on the weekend. My like here is simple,
Okay so it's not always so simple. at times it can be harder than anything you've ever dealt with in your life. Being an exchange student means your emotions are amplified by 10. You get so angry over the stupidest thing. You can go from a high to a low in the matter seconds. It's a crazy life but we make it work.
Saying goodbye is the hardest thing you will ever do.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I just got back from a trip to the northeast of brasil Natal to be more exact.
I loved it there! it was so hot all the time the sun was out most of the time and it was alomost like a whole new country. The food was different (still good though) and the culture was different too. I got to experiance so many neat things.
I got to pet a shark i got to eat tipical northeast food, i got to see the buggest caju tree in the world (HUGE) i found beans that i like. I even got to work on my tan :D
i loved it there and was sad to leave. but when i got home things turned into a normal ruitine again. I'm back to hanging out with my best friend and it's great. Iliana and i do everything together.
I skyped with my mom and it was good. I love her and miss her so much but i know i can make it threw this year. I want to make it tothe end of my exchange.
I think i will be going home in june now because all the other exchange students are too.
I'm really excited to see everyone back home. and to share my time here with them.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brazil rules.

so it's been a lone time since i've posted.
After christmas was finally over i got ove the hole missing my family thing. I'll be here one year. (now i think around 9 months) and I only have one change to make a differce here. Well not really but that's what it feels like. And it kind of hit me. I swear everything justs jits me all the time. Anyways back to the ponit. I deside i could sit around and miss my family the whole 6/5 months i have left here of i could get up and go do things.
on new years i go tto go out with my Friends and celebrate with them which was a nice, and such an amzing night. Best new years yet!

After new years i looked in my journal that i keep and write everyday. I haven't missed a day for a whole 10 months. PARBENS pra eu. :)
i read back somethings that i wrote and it made me laugh at the person i was. Now i'm so much more layed back. not as on time as i used to be.... And not so up tight.
I also read some letters i've recived of taken with me and they made me cry. they were funny, but remember the times i had in canada was a sad feeling.

Brasil is such a hot place i learned very fast after i got my huge sunburn. My goodness., That burn hurt so bad. I had o a brazilian bikini (very tiny) and no sunscreen in mid day. let's just say everywheere was red and i couldn't sleep for days after. not to mention i have to deal with the grose skin pealing. I learned my lesson pretty fast. at least that day was fun i got to visit a bar that you can write something down and then you can stick it on the wall :) So i did it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

teary Christmas.

These last few weeks have been very crazy leading up to christmas.
I've been so homesick!
I've tryed to keep myself busy but it doesn't always work out that way.
A couple days ago there was another cockroach this time in my room.. I was traped on my bed throwing shoes at it and screaming until my mom can and saved the day! It was funny.

Yesterday was the 24th and that's when most brazilans celebrate christmas. It was a really great day until they started opening presents and being like a big family.. It remined me so much of home. and made me miss it so much. I was crying like a baby and wanted more than anything to be alone and invisible. I did how ever get a brazilian BIKINI! :D i love it. But later that night before bed i was alone and had to much time to think and ended up crying myself to sleep.

Today (the 25th of december) my amazing canadian family woke up at 6 so they could skype with me and open presents. I was because i didn't get the presents they sent me in the mail yet. Who knows if i'll ever even get them, But it was nice to see and pertend i was apart of my old family again. I really miss them and My sister is countting the days until my return. 193 more days.
After this i gave some presents to my host family and started crying more because i missed my real family. The rest of the day was like this crying on and off. Any little thing that reminded me of home would set me off on another tearfull rage.

anyways Christmas this year was good. But one of the hardest days of my life. To me christmas is a time to eat lots and spend with your family. I was with a new family and it was very different than what i was used too, but all in all i'm glad i made it threw. I made it past this i can make it past anything. It only goes up from here.

Merry christmas
Feliz natal ♥

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Oh my goodness!
That thing was huge and sooooo very scary..
I went in to the bathroom to brushmy teeth before bed. Well there was this HUGE bug im so scared. i ran and got my shoes then i went back and it was gone so i brushed my teeth then i looked down and almost peed my pants! there that stupid thing was almost on my foot. I was so scared i almost screamed but remebered it's 1 in the morning and everyone is sleeping but still i had a mini heart attack, then i tryed to step on it but it was fast and i was too scared to hear it crunch. So i ran away to my room and shut the doors hopeing it wont come under the doors. I was so scared i ran on too my bed and havent left since.. I want to wake up my dad so he will kill it. I need to pee but i'm too scared to go back to the bathroom.. It's a really scary thing IT WAS HUGE!

This sounds so dumb a cockroach is controling my life! like seriously.. what am i going to do about this! ahhh.... help me.
I want to be in the cold where there is no such thing as a cockroach..
also check out my exchange video on youtube,

Saturday, December 18, 2010

tenho seldades!

well so much has happened.
I went surfing in the big waves! It was so amazing! i was so scared. but i ended up catching a couple good waves.
I went to a very cute french cafe. It was so much fun because i went there with French exchange students.

I had to change family. This was very hard for me because i love my first family. It was an emotional day for me. I was nervous to meet my new family. I was scared, I was extremly sad. Now 2 weeks later i look back at that and I laugh at how scared i was of my new family. I love them they are great. But i miss my first family dearly so i like to visit with them. Also i miss very much my canadian family.

I have had the worst day of my exchange so far and it wasn't good. I was so homesick and i wanted more than anything to have my mom to hug. I miss that. I miss fighting with my sister and brother. I miss getting yelled at. Isn't that weird how could i miss this?

I have had some of the best moments these past weeks..

I have had a crash course in portuguese. It was like i hit a brick wall. but now i can understand so much but speaking is still a problem.

I've had so many ups and downs and things seem to be getter harder because it is getting closer to christmas. But it doesn't feel like christmas time. Not only because it's cold but also because i'm not with my canadian family.

Sorry my english is so horible now not to mention my spelling is terrible!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

2 months 3 weeks and 3 days and counting...

I've been going to surfing class. I've been to class around 4 times and I once rented a board with my friends. it was so much fun i caught my own waves and didnt need the instructor's help :D I've gotten so much better than before because before i could hardly stand up now i'm standing up all the time and i don't fall so much..
In the past few weeks i've been feeling so weird. i've been changing so much and it wasn't always for the good. I had well still have crazy mood swings and i'm always tired and sometimes i'm mad at the world. I really thought i was going crazy then i thought well maybe this is just a faze. But I was so glad when talking with other exchange students they are going threw the same type of things. It in exchange student terms is refered to as culture shock. When I applyed to be an exchange student I always thought oh yeah I'm not afraid of culture shock but i really had no idea what it was or what to expect. So when i started experiancing it i though i wass crazy. Goodthing i recived an email telling me about it and i had some of the signs and i was so glad i found out whats going on.
There are times when i just get really depressed and miss home so much and wonder what the heck im doing here. There are times i just sit in my room alone and cry for canada and my room there. But then i think what am i doing? i'm in brasil having the time of my life how is it possible that im so sad?
It's so good i know that when I'm having a bad day that tomorrow will be better. I try to think positve and not focaus on whats not going my way or else I get discurged.
I have beeen improving on my portuguese little by little. Although i think it could be better i'm proud of my self for learning this much. Going to a new country and think your just learning the language is crazy you learn so much more. you need to know the rules and what polite and whats not what's common for people to do and say and whats rude. You learn a whole new culture it's so amazing.
At first coming to brasil i thought it was so much like Canada. now i wonder how i ever could have thought that. They are so different! but I love them both.

I get to be the luckiest exchange student in the world to be living here i n floripa. I go to the beach all the time I get to meet so many people from all over the world becasue this is such a touistic place. today i went to the beach (got too much sun so nowim burnt) but i heard so many different languages being spoken. it's really neat.

It's a small world.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

let the good times roll

I know it's been more than a week, but posting on a blog started out as really fun. now it's kind of boring. but i promised my mom i would keep it up so she could stay in the loop as much as possible.
So the life of an exchange student is pretty great! I love it here. Not missing home too much. sure i have my days. Not always good days but for the most part they are. I can't be happy everyday right? well as of now i'm happy and it's great here. I dont want to go home.
I was really happy this week to get to finally talk with my best friend from Canada DAYNA! I miss my friends it was really hard starting in a new place with no one you knew. no friends although i do have friends here now at first it was a bit scarry. So talking with dayna was very comforting.
One day i woke up feeling so weird. I don't really know how to explain it but it felt like i don't know my place. I didn't know where i was but it didn't feel like i shouldnt be here. It also didnt feel like i should be in Canada. WEIRD. But that's gone and this is starting to feel normal.
I just got the chance to start a surfing class. It was so much fun. Much harder than it looks by the way. I never did end up standing up for more than 3 seconds. But it was fun. Can't wait to show off when i get home :D
The weekends in brasil are the best part i think. I normally hang out with my exchange friends which is so much fun.
I got to go to balneario camboriu with Iliana (my mexican friend) and her family. It was so neat we went on the cable cars and on a rollacoster. I ate shrip by the beach. And i liked the shrim. these ones didnt have the head still on thank goodness.
I also was asking the waiter for the internet password but he understood me wrong and though i said whats the recipe to what im eating it was so funny, He got this other guy to come and tell me and i was like ummm okay but whats the password?? then when i was leaving the first waiter asked if i understood and everything and i couldnt help but laugh and iliana's host dad said yes thank you i think she'll make it at home every night. ahahah!
I tryed oster. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. but just the thought of what i was eating made me not enjoy it. Atleast now i can say i tryed it..
I'm still not sure of my next host family which i will be moving to in 2 weeks! I'm sad to be moving! I love my family they are really great. Also today might have been the last day that i got to spend with my host parents still aas part of their family, because they are taking a trip to the USA.

I think i wont be posting as much only when something worth telling happenes so i wont bore you too much :D

here are some pictures of my week

Friday, November 5, 2010


So last you heard from me i was about to leave to pantanal and bonito??
Well it started like this.
I went to the beach and to lunch with my friends thinking i had lots of time before my bus. Turns out i was five hours off.. On the way home from the beach i get a call from lea and darja who was also taking the trip and we were on the same bus to cascaval (were we would meet up with all the exchange students... anyways i get the call and they are asking me where i am? i say on the way home from the beach why? they say the bus just left and i was so confused. I thought it was a joke for about 5 minutes. but turns out they were seriouse. So i get off the phone with them and keep my cool well try to.. and i make the scarriest call of my life to my host dad and tell him i missed my bus. He told me to get home and make sure i have everything ready. I got home just before he did then he was looking up times for buses to get me to cascaval in time theere were none so he told me he would have to drive me 3 hours to catch my bus.. We left right away and ended up only having to drive 2 hours and we caught the bus i was so lucky i have a good family here. I'm so stupid for looking at the wrong ticket,, last time i'll ever do that!
but i got the bus and i have an amazing week.
day one:
Bus, bus and more bus!!! Our bus also got a flat tire!!
Day too:
Sun tanning (little burn) And more bus,
Day 3:
And so it began. Meeting everyone and 2 seconds later forgeting names. then we had a breffing of all the rules and put in to activity groups. I did walking first. it was hot and boring! then when we were done our activity everyone went swiming!
It was so beautiful in the morning and night. there were aligators (MY FAVORITE!) and birds, but we swam in a pool. not in the pond.
At night we got to go safriing to see aligators but the tractor was too nosie so we didnt see much.. but it was still fun.
Day 4:
I did horseback riding and fishing for prahanas. I was so scared for both.
Horses are so scarie but now i love them, and i could have done it all day. but i sure felt it the next day!there was this wild horse that wouldnt leave our group alone so we had to turn around and go the other way. The fishing was so neat! i caught 4 prahanas! they were scarry. but cute. if thats possible.
At night we had a big BBQ because it was our last night in Pantanal.
Day 5:
Our last activity was safriing. which sounds better than it was. we just drove 30 minutes on a wagon then stoped and walked a while.. but i seen the big McCaws blue and red ones!! so beautiful!!
Then we left right after lunch and the rest of the day was spent on the bus.
Day 6:
we started our time in bonito with snokeling! it was so amazing the water was so cold and clear. I'm so glad my camer takes pictures underwater! i took so many!
We had free time in bonito at night to look around at the shops and stuff.
Day 7:
We went to the waterfalls in the morning and got to swim in them and it was so much fun!

But i got boredshort rash so it hurt so much to walk.. but it went away the next day :D
In the afternoon we went rafting. It was so much fun. but i was disapointed that we only went down 3 little rapids. I did see a aniconda! A big one.. then we went swiming in the water after.. :D and we all made it out alive! YAY!!
we had water fights with all the boats we pasted and we finished in first started in last!! YAY!!! INTERCOMPIZZAS!
Day 8:
This day it was raining alot and we should have whent to the blue lagoon caves but it rained too much so we went to some other boring cave. it was neat but i was so tired and not intertusted at the time. Then It was our last night together so we had a big talent show and a big party and dance!
It was so much fun! oh and i was voted to have had the most things. i brought all my clothes that i had in brasil.
Day 9:
VERY SAD DAY! i had to say goodbye to some of my cloest friends. I know i've only known them for such a short time but we bonded so much and i really hope to see them again.
Day 10:
My bus was 2 hours late arriving home.
I love you Exchange students and miss you soo much!! PANTANAL AND BONITO♥
HÃ¥kon Wik Solberg er kjempekul!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I am unsure of what to call this :D

This week i have been trying to catch up on my sleep on thursday that worked out pretty well considering i slept all the way through my alarm.. I woke up at 11:30 to find out i missed the whole day of school.. Atleast i felt much better! then friday i almost sslept in again because my alarm isn't working so well.
Friday night i went to El Divion. It was so empty.. it was quite boring..
Now it's saturday and I leave for my trip to pantanal and bonito I'm soo excited!! I cant wait to tell you all about it. AHH
Also i get to hang out with my mexican exchange friends today. :D
Good day;

I am uns