Monday, June 6, 2011

way over due

sorry i havent wrote in months. i know this was supposed to be a weekly thing, but things changed and i was busy then i would always put it off untill tomorrow. So today i will write a post about my life now :)
since the last time i posted a lot has changed.
I've traveled around brazil
*Natal (north east)
*Foz de Iguassu
i would say the coolest place i have been to in Brazil is the amazon because of the nature there and all the things there are so different and dream like. I loved it so much there. My goal is to someday return there.
I changed families again and now i returned to my first family so it's quite good. I love it here. the other day i was talking with my host mom about when i leave and we both were almost in tears. She is such an amazing person my 2nd mom for sure!
My best friend in the whole world (Iliana from Mexico) just left. we used to do everything together. We seen each other almost everyday and now she isn't here and i sometimes feel lost without her. but i guess it's one of the lessons you learn on exchange.
It's nearing the end of my exchange and just before i came here i remember being asked to say what i feel when im going home. Too me it's the weirdest feeling. First i was excited to finally get to see my family again after so long! but now that i think about it and when people ask if i want to leave i say no. I don't deep down i love this place and will miss it so much. I love the life style here, i love the beautiful (sometimes funny) language and accent of Portuguese i love being able to get around town without help anymore. I love it here. and when i leave i will miss it so much. It will be the hardest thing I've ever done. It all still feels like a dream.
My life back in Canada feels like a dream to me now. and so much has changed there and i have changed and grown as a person I'm feeling scared to go home and face reality. I don't want to. When i get home i will have to go to school and do the work, I will have to think about what happens next in my life; but here in Brazil all i think about is what will i do that afternoon or what parties are there to go to on the weekend. My like here is simple,
Okay so it's not always so simple. at times it can be harder than anything you've ever dealt with in your life. Being an exchange student means your emotions are amplified by 10. You get so angry over the stupidest thing. You can go from a high to a low in the matter seconds. It's a crazy life but we make it work.
Saying goodbye is the hardest thing you will ever do.

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