Sunday, September 5, 2010

And so it begans

Well at 4 o'clock on friday my journy began and we (my family and i) set off to the airport. We stoped at a resturant on the way and i got really sad and the waiter forgot my food and i was crying (not because i didn't have food) but anywho she thought i was crying because of her and she felt really bad!
We get to the airport and check my luggage in I didn't have to pay for the one i thought was over weight because it was just under :D :D.. So i was saying goodbye to my family and we were all crying! mom later told me she and sam cryed all the way home. I got to my gate and stoped crying. I was excited for my new journey! well i was waiting for my plane and it turns out they changed the gate # AHHHHHHH.. but i found it all okay no big deal. I board the plane and it's huge! a really nice brazilian is sitting next to me.. we didn't talk much but that was okay i tryed to sleep most of the way but sleeping while sitting is very hard! so when we landed i went and got my luagge because i had to go through brazilian customs. Then this guy who knew very little english was like need help and kept telling me to change my flight. So he told me were to go and everything turned out okay.. but he did make me pay him 10$. I ended up not changing my flight because i didn't want all the confusion. I was waiting for my flight and this girl sat down beside me she knew no english but we managed to find out that she is also going to Floripa :D so we boarded the plane together! but then had to say tchau because our seats were far apart.
That flight was short and when i got off i waited for my luagge and meet some one thats been to canada once i think.. i had no idea what he was saying. :P
Then i walk through the doors and i see my host family!!!!!!! it was such a relife! we all huged then went to the car that was parked 100000000 miles away i swear! well we got there and this is the coolest car ever! i've never seen one in canada like it! well then we go to a supermarket and i didn't really know what was going on ;p but being here for less than a day i still have no idea whats happening.
We got to the house. It's the cutest house! i love it. And my room is so awesome I just love everything about it.
To flush the toilet there is a button in the wall that you need to push if i wasn't told before i used it i would have no idea how to flush it! ahha
Well now i'm going to go and start my adventures. my little host brother just came in to my room and started talking to me. I feel so bad i have no idea whats he's saying! ahaha
(just a heads up i tryed to spell check this but it speel checks in portugese so sorry for the horible spelling!)

1 comment:

  1. Hello rachel! My name is Joceli. I live part of the year in floripa (i am brazilian) and part of the year in calgary. If you ever need anything, get in contact with me at
